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June ACNA Board Meeting

Note: To participate in voting matters, members must renew their membership. If you haven’t, please see Barbara at the front desk.

i. Minutes & Financial Reports (Michael, Jeff and Barbara/Alex – 5 mins)

ii. Update on Special Meeting Minutes (Alex/Jeff – 5 mins)

iii. 9 Miner Street Construction Update (Kathy – 5 mins) 

iv. Circle Redesign Update (Alex – 10 mins)

v. 839 Beacon Update (Michael – 5 mins) 

vi. Discussion on ACNA participation in external events (Michael – 10 mins)

vii. Discussion on Use of Fenway Park as non-baseball event facility (Michael – 20 mins) 

viii. Discussion on Open Board Seat Process (Michael – 15 mins)

ix. New Business

x. Public Comment

xi. Adjourn